Author: Emanuel Blagonic
Six Years
Six years have passed since my last blog post here. Much has happened since. This is a story about last six years. It is a story about love, life, kids and how sometimes everything can fell apart. This is a personal post. If you’re the kind of a reader who is uncomfortable reading about personal stuff,…
Happy holidays
Hi guys and girls. Since I started my business, I thought I would have more time to write on this Blog, but just this was just the contrarily :( . Well, nevertheless, I would like you all to have very nice holidays, in your house with your family and friends – the loved ones ;).…
CSS map in practice
A few months ago I wrote an article about how to use CSS to create a nice looking map. The process was (I think) well explained in that article, and now I want to show you the real example — or how to use CSS and unordered list to create live, nice looking CSS map…
How to use Photoshop to create Product Box?
Photoshop is a powerful tool for almost everything you need in graphic and web design. This article explains how to use Photoshop to create product boxes. How many times you wanted to create cool product box for some of your products? Sure, there are many ways, and with new Photoshop you have even more options…
Would Google benefit from using web standards?
Google homepage has 5 KB in size and the search results page less than 20 KB. Both pages don’t use standards compliant coding that separates data from presentation. This is not a problem because Google looks the same in all browsers and loads pretty fast. But, what if we used standards compliant code? How should…
A few CSS and XHTML tips for web developers
These past two month I was very busy doing many designs, redesigns, logos, layouts, etc. I didn’t have much time to write an article on my blog and I’m sorry for that. In the past few weeks I sliced a lot of layouts and built a lot of new pages with much content. Doing that…
Image gallery that doesn’t fall apart
There are several techniques for laying out the image gallery (using list-items, simple IMG tags or using links when you create a “clickable” gallery). If you use any of available techniques, you should get the same or almost same effects. And everything works nice as long as you stick with the thumbnails of the same…
Designing a Content Management System driven website
If you designed a web page that is supposed to be used as a part of Content Management System, than you should already be familiar with the difficulties and limitations of those designs. There are many variables you should think of when designing for Content Management Systems — what are the maximum image sizes, which…
Istrian dictionary
Once in a while, we all have an opportunity to work on something unique and very encouraging. My opportunity was the project we started working on last September. Its called Istrian dictionary, and it is an online collaboration project with the aim to take from the past our dialect words, to remember our elders and…
Developing the grid that supports your design
Just a few months ago when I created any design, I didn’t practice a grid system. I didn’t know much about it so I thought that I can live without it. Yes it’s true. You can live without a grid system, but should you? Why is the grid important? I will try to answer to…
How to create a nice map using CSS and unordered list
For one of my personal projects, I needed to create a nice-looking map and position the elements in it. In the past, I would use Photoshop, and sketch the elements on layers that I can move, but today I will use (definitely) CSS. We will create an unordered list to achieve that. Nothing complex, just…
Creating news site heading like in Covers
A few days ago I stumbled upon an interesting news site called Daylife. Its front page (Covers) is something like an internet/TV hybrid, with its flash intro page that displays most recent news. To say the least, I am a fan of Flash, as of JavaScript and other technologies, but I think that the same…
Using Photoshop masks for creating web graphics
If you want to create a dropped shadow background than you could just add a drop shadow layer effect to a specific layer. But what happens when you would like to create a dropped shadow background that fades with the background itself. The easiest way is to use Photoshop “power”. I am talking about Photoshop…
Happy holidays to you all
To all my colleagues, friends and visitors! I wish you happy holidays :) I wish you love, understanding, good health, much joy, and that all your wishes come true.
9rules submission
In the round 5 of submissions to the 9rules network, I entered an application. Yes, I wanted to get in, but the last time there were more than a thousand other applicants. Didn’t have any expectations. Well, today I got an email from Tyme White saying: “You got in.
Advanced forms
In you read the article about creating simple contact forms than you know what the most web designers will ever need. For those of you who need some advanced forms, this is the article for you. In this article I will not cover many things, because if you know the basics you could combine the…
Tables explained — how to use and style them
Back in the “old days” of the web, tables were used for creating page layouts ranging from complex to simple (for example — creating a contact form). Today, we use DIVs and SPANs instead, and we should use tables only for displaying tabular data. In this article I will show you how to use tables…
Creating web graphics in Photoshop
In this brief and illustrated tutorial you will learn how to create most commonly used web graphics in Photoshop. Techniques explained in this tutorial, can be used in other similar programs as well. In this tutorial I will try to explain how to create a menu, like the one explained in the article “CSS image…
Designing with passion
One obvious and another less obvious steal or rip-off (as you wish to call it) came to my eyes recently. In article “Is this a rip-off?” I pointed obvious one, and in the comments to the article I pointed one less obvious. Both of them are inspired by this design. What’s wrong with those people?…