9rules submission

In the round 5 of submissions to the 9rules network, I entered an application. Yes, I wanted to get in, but the last time there were more than a thousand other applicants. Didn’t have any expectations. Well, today I got an email from Tyme White saying: “You got in.

Since my past two weeks were hectic (I will write an article about that, since we worked on a very nice and interesting project), I didn’t have the time to think on anything else than work but I am very glad that I got in to the 9rules network. This will surely be the encouragement for me to continue writing articles and to learn even more, and share that knowledge with you.

As from today, I am a proud member of 9rules. Thanks guys!


5 responses to “9rules submission”

  1. Hey Emanuel! Congrats, it’s a big thing! It’s great to see one of our bloggers in such a company :). Keep up the good work!

  2. Congrats! Be sure not to forget us mortals now that you’re a celebrity :)

  3. @Nikola: I will try:)
    @Miha: Hehe, celebrity :) hehe. Nice one. Will be laughing the next year too ;) Cheers.

  4. Congratulations! Look forward to reading lots more frequent posts from your good self

  5. @Tobias: Thanks, I hope I will have enough free time to write even more posts :)

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