Category: Opinion

  • Can designers and developers ever be friends?

    Can designers and developers ever be friends?

    While working on one project as a consultant, I worked with a team where developers genuinely resented designers, feeling their designs made life harder. The designers, lacking the technical knowledge to communicate effectively with the developers, unintentionally created friction between the two teams. “There is a deep mistrust between us and developers”, one designer told…

  • Pushing beyond limits – the secret to a more fulfilling life?

    Pushing beyond limits – the secret to a more fulfilling life?

    Whatever I do – no matter if it is life or business – I love to be surrounded by people who are better than me. These people push me forward, allow me to grow, inspire and help me make better life decisions. They also ask difficult questions not a lot of people will be willing…

  • No bullshit mentality

    No bullshit mentality

    I live by what I call the “no bullshit mentality”. This means I’m always honest, whether the question is personal or business-related. I’ll always respond with complete honesty—though sometimes, I may take a more diplomatic approach. In the past, during initial interviews for potential projects, I’ve focused on getting to know the clients while allowing…

  • Leave your ego behind

    Today, I’m gonna talk about human ego. Can we apprehend it, how to deal with it, what is good and what is bad. This is not a psychological article but it is written from my perspective, talking about my own ego problems and how I (hopefully) managed to keep it under control.

  • Would Google benefit from using web standards?

    Google homepage has 5 KB in size and the search results page less than 20 KB. Both pages don’t use standards compliant coding that separates data from presentation. This is not a problem because Google looks the same in all browsers and loads pretty fast. But, what if we used standards compliant code? How should…

  • Designing a Content Management System driven website

    If you designed a web page that is supposed to be used as a part of Content Management System, than you should already be familiar with the difficulties and limitations of those designs. There are many variables you should think of when designing for Content Management Systems — what are the maximum image sizes, which…

  • Designing with passion

    One obvious and another less obvious steal or rip-off (as you wish to call it) came to my eyes recently. In article “Is this a rip-off?” I pointed obvious one, and in the comments to the article I pointed one less obvious. Both of them are inspired by this design. What’s wrong with those people?…

  • How to start building web sites?

    Although I created my first web page back in 1997, I began designing them full time in 2004. In 1997 I was designing just text pages and my layout was table based. Now, in 2006 all of layout is CSS based, so if you are starting a web career, you have to know how to…