Pushing beyond limits – the secret to a more fulfilling life?

Whatever I do – no matter if it is life or business – I love to be surrounded by people who are better than me. These people push me forward, allow me to grow, inspire and help me make better life decisions. They also ask difficult questions not a lot of people will be willing to ask you. Why? Because this is my “A team”.

In business, if you’re surrounded by people that don’t push you beyond your limits, you’ll soon realise you won’t be able to reach your full potential. While some may be content with this, and I respect their choice, it’s simply not an option for me. Life is too damn short to just live it as a bystander, working on everyday tasks, without the possibility to improve myself and grow. I believe in always striving to reach my fullest potential.

The time when I was young and inexperienced

Nearly two decades ago, I worked on a small project that had the potential to grow into something much bigger and long-lasting. I was reasonably happy with the design I delivered, but the reality was that it wasn’t my best work, and my involvement in the project came to an abrupt end. Curious about what went wrong, I asked the client for feedback. He told me bluntly, “You had all the tools, they were available for you to use, but you chose not to. That’s why we won’t be working with you. You’re not a good fit.”

And while his words felt harsh, they were true—and deeply eye-opening. At that time, I was young and inexperienced, but I realised he was right. I could have done much better, but I didn’t. Why? Because I hadn’t been pushed hard enough by the people around me. It wasn’t until that moment that I understood the difference a little extra effort could make.

I grew up in a small town so I didn’t need to push myself hard. Life could have been easy, but I wanted more. I had the desire to one day be the person who not only pushed myself but also inspired and mentored others to reach their full potential.

Since that experience, I began pushing myself harder while continually seeking improvement. I studied the top designers, observing not just what they did, but how they did it, and applied those lessons to my own small projects. Over time, this approach led me to take on larger projects, and as my knowledge grew, I found opportunities to share what I had learned with others. I started attending conferences, applying the insights I discovered there, and gradually, continuing to push myself and those around me toward reaching our full potential.

Surround yourselves with the best people

And just as in business, the people we surround ourselves with in life can either limit us or help us break boundaries we impose on ourselves.

When we choose to stay around people who don’t challenge us, we miss out on seeing what life could be like if we removed the borders we’ve built. While these boundaries sometimes serve to protect us, they also limit our imagination—and with it, our possibilities.

Imagine a world where you never travel because no one around you has, or where you avoid trying something new and exciting simply because “you’re not supposed to.” To me, that’s a pretty sad world. When we limit ourselves, we limit our experiences—and that’s not what life should be about.

I see life as a book of experiences we live through. These experiences are what we pass on to our children, empowering them to chase their own dreams and live more fulfilling lives.

My oldest son dreams of visiting Japan, largely because we travelled extensively across Europe when he was young. For him, travelling feels as natural as going to the grocery store. When I was his age, I didn’t have such dreams—times were harder, and my country was in the midst of war. But even then, my parents pushed me to my limits, so now my kids can dream big too.

Everything is achievable if we believe it is.

The story of surrounding ourselves with people who are better than us is not just about pushing boundaries; it’s about creating something remarkable of our lives. By pushing ourselves, we show others that anyone can dream big. And maybe, that’s exactly what everyone needs.

Featured photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash


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