This article was first published on Netokracija (leading south–european technology blog) in Croatian, but decided to publish it here as well, since I believe these are unique reasons for applying to speak at WCEU.
So, you’re working with WordPress. Professionally. Individually or as part of an agency? Did you think of applying to speak at WordCamp Europe? No? Read on.
WordCamp Europe is the largest European WordCamp which is being held in the beautiful city of Vienna from June 24th to 26th. WordCamp Europe is getting bigger every year and it is believed it might be the biggest WordCamp in the world. Well, 1750 people already bought their ticket and there are many more people on waiting list.
But, let’s leave numbers aside. You’re reading this article so I can get you persuaded to apply to speak at WordCamp Europe 2016.
#1 Biggest European WordCamp
Having to talk at such a big conference can be intimidating. I know, because every time I climbed on stage – I was worried. Nevertheless you’re speaking in front of 20 or 200 or 500 people. You always want to do your best.
But, WordCamp Europe is a unique opportunity. It is an opportunity for you to show what you know not only to people present but to a global community as well. Everything is filmed and your talk video could be seen by thousands of members of the community across the world.
And WCEU can be a perfect place to kick off your speaking career – if that’s something you want to do.
#2 Attendees from 60+ countries
If talking at the biggest European WordCamp is not enough by itself, let’s just say that WCEU will have attendees from more than 60 countries across all continents. Well, except Antartica of course :).
Imagine the possibilities for meeting new and interesting people, designers and developer – from any corner of the world?
#3 Networking and new business prospects
Before and after your talk (see what I did there? If you come this far, you’re one step closer to apply to speak) there will be enough time for networking with people.
That are colleagues that do pretty much the same job that we do. Maybe they are doing it a bit differently and this will be a perfect opportunity to share experiences. One thing I’m pretty sure of is – they kick ass in WordPress.
Being a speaker at a large conference is something that is good for you ego (let’s be frank) :) and it will be much easier to talk to people after that.
Nevertheless you’re freelancing or working in (or running) an agency, business prospects are tremendous as well. With so many different people (some of them are business owners) there are so many potential partnership opportunities.
#4 A ticket that is missing
Not less important, but if you didn’t buy your ticket just yet (and there are currently no tickets available) as a speaker you will get a complimentary free ticket for the conference.
Being a part of WCEU is like going to a sold out rock concert. Everyone wants to go but only a few of them got tickets. :)
#5 You can do it
This is a perfect time to leave your comfort zone. You’re not in WordPress from yesterday. You worked with WordPress for years and want to share your knowledge with the community. We all have to start somewhere so nevertheless you talked at conferences before – organizers are asking everyone to apply.
If you’re feeling uncomfortable, applying to speak is only the first step which does not guarantee you will get selected (since there are so many great talks out there). But, it is important to try.
WordPress was always about sharing and WordCamp Europe is a perfect opportunity to share back some of your knowledge.
Apply to speak at WordCamp Europe 2016 – applications closes on Sunday, January 31st at 23:59 (CET).
Good luck.
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