Testing your site with IE 5.01 and IE 5.5

Although not many people today are surfing using older versions of Internet Explorer (like IE 5.01 and IE 5.5), it is not a bad idea to test your web site with these versions too. There are many ways to test your website with older versions of IE like having multiple partitions with different Windows installations, but that is definitely not the best solution. In this article I will show you the best way of testing your sites with IE 5.01 and IE 5.5 under Windows XP, but will also tell you the disadvantages.

How to start?

We do not want multiple partitions with different Windows installations; we just want clean and simple solution. It’s not very difficult in fact once you know what to look. We will download the 5.01 and 5.5 versions of IE from this page (please note: if you wish you can also download IE 3 and IE 4).

After downloading the files, just unzip them in separated directories and start the Internet Explorer of your choice with clicking on iexplore.exe.

Please note: When you open the Explorer you won’t see the difference between them. This is because of the highest IE version you have installed on your system (for Windows XP users this will most certainly be IE 6). In your taskbar there will also be no difference at all, so you should group them on the taskbar (open them in a specific order) to not get confused.


Only real disadvantage I have seen was that multiple browsers do not support conditional comments like this:

<!-- [if IE 5.5] >
<! [end if] -->

All the conditional comments will render as if all of versions opened are the highest IE version installed on your system (you won’t see a difference when you click on Help > About either, they will all show that the same version is installed).


4 responses to “Testing your site with IE 5.01 and IE 5.5”

  1. Hey Emanuel! I presume you already know about this, but someone else may find it interesting… There’s a web service that allows you to take “screenshots” of your webpage in different browsers… I find it extremely useful, because it allows me to test my websites on Safari, too. It’s called browsershots – you have to be patient, the process can last a bit.

    Linux users can test their websites for IE browsers using Wine and the brilliant IEs4Linux utility. It allows you to install IE6, IE5.5 and IE5 on top of any Linux distribution running Wine. Unfortunately, IE7 isn’t available, so you must/can use Browsershots.

  2. @Nikola: I was thinking of writing an article about cross-browser testing of web sites and this info will be very helpful. Thanks again, Nikola, you are man full of resources :)

  3. @Boris: Thanks for the info Boris, for what I can see right now, it’s even better resource for having multiple Internet Explorer installed on one system, although I didn’t tested it yet. As soon as I test installer myself, I will write an article about it.

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